Welcome to
Rose Chapel Methodist
“God is light; in him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]
Inclement Weather Policy
We will not have any in person events tomorrow, 1/12/25. We will be on Google Meet.
Our Google feed is https://meet.google.com/vmp-scpr-uev
If you know someone who might want to tune us in remotely on Sunday mornings, give them this link. Please remember our webmaster has to look, in the midst of everything else, for new attendees via Google. So if you do not get on right away, please be patient. We also have sermons posted on Youtube, Facebook and our website, www.rosechapelmethodistchurch.org.
If weather forces us to cancel worship in our sanctuary, we will be on Google Meet at 10:30 AM, and will post a video on You Tube, Facebook and this site for worship at home. You may call the office at 704-876-4081 for our Google Meet information. We will announce our campus cancellations on Facebook, here and via our email newsletter group. You may also call the office to be on our email list.
Rose Chapel Methodist Church is a traditional church community where we try to reflect the love of Jesus Christ. The love of God for all of us is celebrated here through Jesus, the Christ. We worship each Sunday morning at 10:30 AM, and we go into the community and beyond to share God's love through service as often as we can. We love because God first loved us. To share our Jesus story is important to us. Come and be a part of our community of faith and find empowerment to minister with your neighbors through God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Costa Rica
We have just returned and were incredibly blessed. Our next trip has not been announced, but you can still support our missions through donations or our RADA sal. Call the office for info, or use this link https://radafundraising.com/?rfsn=3275240.d57c02.
Ministry Group Spotlight
Methodist Women meet the third Sunday of the month at 4 PM and the Methodist Men meet the second Sunday morning at 8:30 AM. The choir rehearses each Wednesday evening at 7 PM in the fall, winter and spring. We have Bible Study on Wednesday at 10 am and 6 pm.
Come and join in.
Check us out on Facebook and You Tube:
Rose Chapel Methodist
Call the office for Google Meet information at